Greece by boat
From Italy, several ferries depart for Greece daily. Ferries to Patras leave throughout the year from the Italian port cities of Venice, Trieste, Ancona, Bari and Brindisi. For more information on Italy-Greece ferries.
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From Patras you can either hire a car following the route
or take a coach to Corinth and then switch and take a coach to Neapoli - Laconia
Elafonisos by boat
The co-ordinates of Elafonisos (in Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) are:
N. Stavros (the islet in the entrance of the two ports of the village of Elafonisos):
36° 30΄ 48΄΄Β 22° 58΄ 56΄΄Α Elafonissos Placemark (Google Earth)
There are no organized marinas. The main anchorage is in the two ports of Elafonisos, which are protected from any kind of weather, as well as in several bays of the island.
In the old harbor with the characteristic church on the island that is, with its bridge, part of the harbor, the passes are full of reefs, with an entrance draft of 0.4 meters. It is advised to enter the eastern pier at a distance of about ten meters.
The new harbor, east of the old, Megalo Tigani, has a draft of more than 4 meters on its pier, but you will need luck to find a place there. On the inside, the moorings should be avoided because there are large ferry boats that tie up there, running at least 30 trips to the opposite shore of Pounta every day.
The sea channel between Elafonisos and the Peloponnese with its golden-green waters has a maximum draft of 2.05 meters, hiding several pitfalls such as "Papa Aloni". It is advisable to consult the locals about its crossing and to sail to it with very low speed.
At Elafonisos there is a gas station as well as at Neapoli at 3.7 nautical miles east.
There is also a washer-dryer that serves the vessels delivering them to the port.
A safe anchorage, depending on the weather, can be in the eastern part of the island in the bay of Lefki with sand on the bottom and deep waters. On the south side of the bay of Frangos across just 4.5 meters from the lighthouse at the Cape Spathi of Kythera with sand on the bottom and good waters, as well as in all the coves of the island. Right next to it we find the largest bay of the island, the Bay of Sarakiniko. In Frango and Sarakiniko, usually in the afternoon and afterwards, there is an intense swell, that keeps until dawn. On the west of the island there is the bay of Panagia at Katonisi where attention is needed at the entrance as it is surrounded by many small islands.
Port Authority of Neapoli Voion, tel: +30 27340 22228
Agia Pelagia Port Station, Kythira, tel: +30 27360 33280
Kapsali Port Station, Kythera, tel: +30 27360 31222
Diakofti Port Station, Kythera, tel: +30 27360 34222